Does debugging make you want to throw your computer out the window?

We've all been there. Debugging can be frustrating at the best of times, particularly when you're newer to writing code.

Debugging is a skill like any other, and through reflection and iteration, you can get better at it!

I'll take you through a step-by-step series that will help you examine how you debug and help you create a framework that will make you a more efficient debugger and thoughtful practitioner.

Take a structured approach to debugging

Add your email below to start learning. It's free, and emails will start sending on 6th July 2020 (though you can sign up any time!)

I'm looking forward to sharing my techniques, and learning about your processes as well. In the course, I'll be leaning on my experiences as a web developer working mainly with Ruby and JavaScript, but everything is language agnostic.


p.s you can find me on twitter @raquelxmoss

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